Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Occupy LA

Occupy LA, I was there last night as it went down.  We were protecting our territory, the nearby subway stations.  From the Civic Center station, we had a birdseye view of the happenings, probably not as good as television, but being there gives you your own personal perspective.  Driving by the area for weeks, and seeing the destruction of property and  the litter and garbage, was unbelievable.  What happened to taking a stand, tax payers payed for this park, and the rules are, you can't come in here and camp, crap and piss all over the place, and otherwise damage the property.  Wow, to avoid confrontation and bad press, come on in and destroy everything to the tune of thousands of dollars.  LAPD did a great job, blocking off a perimeter for several blocks surrounding City Hall.  Hundreds of working, tax paying people were then not able to get to their cars, to go home, so they could get to sleep, for WORK the next day.  This was caused by Occupy LA, but ofcourse the police will get the blame.  It was awesome to see 1400 LAPD officers arrive in buses and in a caravan of radio cars.  Ofcourse we had to activate hundreds of Deputies, to get Transportation Buses to and from the jail, to transport prisoners, and to protect the county buildings in downtown. Wheres the outrage from the public, after we have now spent I assume is now over a million dollars.    Isn't it great, we peacefully concluded the movement.  I thought it was sickening to see hundreds of people, taunting the police, and shoving cameras two inches from the officers faces, and yelling obscenities.  Hoodlums were riding around with gas masks and sticks with impunity.  I guess I'm from a different time, I say from the beginning, tell these people very nicely, please get off the property, and if they don't, Force, fast and hard. Let them occupy central jail, full medical coverage, three meals a day, showers, and weekly change of clothes, its a win win.  Well I can't say anymore, lawyers already google me, and look for anything they can find, to use a gainst me, I do have the right to remain silent,   So until retirement, I will keep my opinions close to the vest.  Had to vent a little on this.

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