Saturday, February 19, 2011

I use Psycho-Cybernetics

I use Psycho-Cybernetics for my goals in comedy and life in general.  The term comes from combining Psychology, thinking, science of the mind stuff, and Cybernetics, which originated from Greece, meaning, helmsman, or someone who steers.  Hence controlling your thoughts in a direction that you choose.  I recommend reading several books about Psycho-Cybernetics from the author Dr. Maxwell Maltz.  He wrote his books in the 1960's, and many self help books and gurus that followed adopted many of his philosophies.  Dr. Maltz an accomplished plastic surgeon, discovered that some of his patients, after he would repair damage to their faces, and restored them to natural beauty, would still feel the same, self conscious, and ashamed of the way they looked.  The scars on the outside had been repaired, but the emotional scars on the inside remained.  Thats when Dr. Maltz began his study of the self image.  His book really trains you to control the prevailing thoughts you maintain, which he says has a big effect on our natural Automatic Success System.    The thoughts we maintain and focus on, get communicated to our sub-conscious, or as Dr. Maltz describes, our Automatic Success System.  Depending on our thoughts, it can be our Automatic Success System, or our Automatic Failure System.  Our subconscious doesn't argue with us or our conscious mind, on whether what were focusing on is positive or good, it merely carries out the orders.  Which is why it is so important, to keep those good thoughts prevailing, and focus on what we want, and not on what we don't want.  In the book he also gives strategies for maintaining good thoughts in our minds.  We can always control bad thoughts that enter our mind, but we can control how long they stay there. It's pretty amazing to hold thoughts and goals in our minds eye, and then see down the road, unforseen circumstances conspire to make our dreams come true.  I recommend Psycho-Cybernetics for harnessing the unlimited power of our subconscious minds, in realizing all our dreams.  I haven't looked at Maltz's work in a while, writing this has reignited my passion to give myself a refresher.   

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